kcatc@kca.ac.ke tel: +254 792 793056


CPA Faustin is a career trainer and Educational programs administrator with 16 years of experience in learning content design, administration, and delivery in the field of Finance. His vast experience in training in accounting spans lecturing core accounting units at KCA University to training in finance for non-finance personnel in the public service. He is a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants (ICPAK’s) where he has been training in professional development programs for practicing accountants across the country since 2018.

Overview of the Office of Director

KCAU Professional and Technical Training Institute was established by KCA University in July 2017. This is after a paradigm shift in the thinking of the Kenyan training needs that focused on academic rather than producing technicians that the market needs.

It is true that in Kenya all the technicians that the top class rely on to repair cars, construct buildings, repair electronics and even tailors do not have a specialized training to effect their trade together with the fact that many Kenyans have been trained on University Education with theoretical entrepreneurial mind. To this effect KCA University through the leadership of the Vice Chancellor Prof. Noah Midamba, started a great stride to get a solution and train on technical skills and prepare graduates who will leave the college each one of them with an already started business, and therefore can be able to choose to continue with their businesses or can as well enroll for further studies at the KCA University.

KCAU Professional and Technical Training Institute has in effect from January 2018 enrolled students undertaking, artisan, craft, certificate and diploma levels in the following key areas: Food and Beverages, Accounting Technician Diploma, Fashion Design and Garment Making, Metal Work, Plumbing, Information communication Technology, and Hair dressing and beauty Therapy.

Message from the Director

Managers in the office of the Director

Administrative Assistant


Contact Information

KCA University Office of the Director KCAU PTTI
Thika Road, Ruaraka
P.O. Box 56808 – 00200, Nairobi